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Hearts Filled With Joy

Writer's picture: AlyssaAlyssa

Hello Everyone!

My heart is filled with joy when i think about what the Lord has done in such a

few short months. It has been beautiful to see the girls around me fall in love with the

Lord. I’m very thankful to be apart of their lives.

“Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village. Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits.”

Mark 6: 6b-7

Wolfpack is a group of girls who are leading their own groups of girls in their dgroups. They are girls I have discipled and they are amazing! Their love for the Lord challenges me daily. Each of these women have heard the call to go into their community and share the love of God just as Jesus sent him disciples out in Mark 6. They have been spent out into the campus to meet other girls and invite them to follow Jesus with us. These girls let the love of the Lord transform every area of their lives. They see their classmates through God’s eyes and live missional lifestyles.

This time of year the girls in our dgroups who have also heard the voice of the Lord and fallen in love with him are presented with the same call. The call Jesus gives in Mark 6 in sending out his disciples to other communities sharing the truths of the Kingdom of God. By the end of this month our Wolfpack of 8 will have doubled. Eight more freshmen girls have heard the call, are rising to the challenge, and taking ownership in the Kingdom of God.

Our family is growing. We look forward to these new sisters joining our family and watching them rise to the call Jesus has placed before each of us. These girls have not only been discipled and experienced discipleship but now want to go and invite others into being a disciple of Jesus and living life together along the way. We are excited to see the family grow and the new joy that is being added to our hearts.

Kayleigh is a freshman here at UCA and I met her during the first week of school in August. She joined my dgroup and I have had the honor of walking along side her this semester. As we have spent time together I have watched her concept of God change. I have watched her go from being burdened by bitterness and un-forgiveness to her discovering the joy of the Lord. She has experienced God’s love for her at Fall Retreat where the Lord asked if she would let him be her Father. She chose to get baptized to declare Him as her Father and Lord of her life. Hearing the Father’s voice has forever changed her life.

Thank you all for your sacrifice in time given in prayer and in finances to send others into unreached places. Thank you for passing on the heart of God to the next generation!

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