I hope you are enjoying your summer so far. Summer has a different pace than the rest of the year. It comes with different freedoms than the normal school year. We have had many students taking advantage of every minute of their summers to give it back to the Lord.
On Mission at Home
We have been having Summer Chi Alpha every Monday night. Every Monday night has been filled with College students hungry for the word of God. The University has been having every Freshman come to UCA for what they call SOAR for orientation. We have had the opportunity to meet and connect with every Freshman coming to UCA in the Fall. It has been amazing! Some of those incoming Freshmen who live in Conway have also started coming to Summer Chi Alpha.
Day at SOAR!!!
On Mission Away
Two of our stateside missions trips have already gone and returned. We sent a team to Pine Bluff, Arkansas to work with a new Chi Alpha and the local church there. I had the opportunity to join them for a day. That day we cleaned up parks, planted trees at a park, worked with a local business and set up an outdoor service at a church. They had an amazing two weeks there. The Boston Team just got back last week and are still telling the testimonies of all God did there.
Pine Bluff
I have been on the road visiting family, and many of you who faithfully pray and support me. Thank you all so very much! None of this would happen without you! I have been to Arkansas AG Youth Camp. We met some amazing Seniors who are so excited to be apart of UCA Chi Alpha and in other Chi Alphas around the state! It was an awesome time at Youth Camp pouring into the high school students. We had lots of fun!!!
Mission Ahead
We are heading to New York in July! After hearing the testimonies from the Pine Bluff and Boston teams we are all the more excited to see what God will do in New York.
New York was hit really hard with Covid last year and is not only recovering physically but emotionally as well. There are many there without hope. They have had a tough time and are turning to other things for security and stability.
There are 5 colleges in the area where the Chi Alpha missionaries are located and 100,000 college students. This will be the first Chi Alpha there. We will be doing outreach in the city, prayer walking each campus, encouraging the missionaries and working with the handful of students they have met in the community over this last year. Plus we will have a small project to build a deck in the missionary’s back yard so they can host students at their home.
We are so excited for what God has in store for us while we are there and we will be leaving before we know it. Be praying with us for New York, for our safety as we go (Yes we are driving the whole way up there) and for our time there. Would you partner with us in reaching New York and sending the hope we have in Jesus to a city that is hurting? I can’t wait to share testimonies and stories from the trip.
Other ways you can be praying with me is in praying for…
The incoming Freshmen Class
Women of Peace in Sororities on campus
The rest of the Summer to be fruitful
Thank you Team, for your support, prayers and partnership!