How can our hearts break for someone we have never met…? How can we fall in
love with a face we have never seen…? How can we be stirred with compassion for
a group of people we may never interact with…?
Starting in August there will be thousands of Freshmen walking through campuses all over the U.S. They are not only coming to college to find what they are good at or to play a sport they are already good at but they are trying to find their place. Not just where do they fit on campus, not just where will they fit into the marketplace but where do they belong and who they are in this world. They search for acceptance and belonging anywhere; in sports, studies, parties or friend groups. They are all looking for purpose in their lives.
As the summer months have marched on I have been fighting in prayer for this next school year. Praying for young girls that will walk on campus looking for purpose and belonging to find it in all the right places. Praying that more freshmen would not have to first experience the death the world has to offer before choosing the life Jesus offers. Praying that their hearts would be ready to receive truth the minute they walk on campus. Praying that these girls would fall in love with the Lord and find God centered sisterhood and community.
As these summer months have now faded to a few remaining weeks would you allow the Lord to burden your heart for the Freshmen on our university campuses? Would you pray with expectation of what you want to see God do on campus? Would you fill your heart with wonder of what God can do in a life in one school year? Would you pray that we would have purposeful conversations and divine encounters every time we step on campus?
Would you fight for those you have never met?
My prayer is that in a few short months there will be stories to share of women who's lives have been changed by encountering the Lord. That the nameless and faceless people we are praying for now will soon be named with beautiful smiling faces that will glow because they are falling in love with the Lord. Can we pray with such boldness and faith for those who you haven't met yet?
Thank you all for your sacrifice in time and in finances to send others into unreached places. Thank you for passing on the heart of God to the next generation!
- Alyssa