Hello Friends!
We are one month into the school year and we are just as excited for the next two months as we were at the beginning! The next two months are going to fly by so quickly, and I’m so challenged to make these next months so intentional with the new girls I have met.
We have started Dgroups (Discipleship Groups) with the freshmen girls! We meet in an all girls dorm on campus. The girls attending my dgroup are hungry and curious to discover the Lord. I’m excited to walk with these girls this year. I feel like the Lord has defined our time together as "Unveiling the Beauty of God". There is a part of the Father’s heart inside each of us and I can’t wait to watch these girls discover the Lord in their lives.
Some of the girls have never experienced God for themselves, have never been to church, have never owned a Bible. All they knew is that they felt something different when they came to service on that first Monday Night. They felt loved, save, held, and treasured. They didn't know what to call it but they were encountering the presence of God. It has been an honor to be a part of their discovery of the Lord. And still others are searching and so close to finding what their hearts desire, they just don't know how close they are.
This week I took one of the girls to go buy her very first Bible. She had never owned a Bible or stepped foot in a Church. These girls are looking for ways to cultivate a relationship with the Lord. As they are hungry for the Lord I want to steward their hunger well and point them towards the Lord in everything. Please pray for the girls coming to dgroup: Anna Claire, Lacey, Kayleigh, Pearl, Ally, Madison, Caitlin, & Sarah. Please pray more will come! This is still to small of a thing for the Lord. I pray these girls will experience the Lord this year and be transformed into women who would display the beauty of God.
Thank you all for your sacrifice in time and in finances to send others into unreached places.
Thank you for passing on the heart of God to the next generation!
~ Alyssa