Hello Everyone!
The school year has found it’s rhythm and the students have found their new normal.
This world tells us we need social media and it has become a new normal for us to get caught up in the virtually social world instead of the realities of life around us. I see students walking around campus everyday lost in their phones.
Three weeks ago we placed a challenge before our students. The challenge was four weeks without any form of social media; no Facebook, no Instagram, no Twitter, no Snapchat, no Netflix, no YouTube, no movies, no tv shows, and no video games. Even though their first reaction was “How on earth can we go without media for that long!?!?!” I can proudly say that our students have risen to the challenge to go without media. For the past three weeks we have been doing our best to honor the challenge and keeping each other accountable. It hasn’t been a perfect three weeks but every time we have fallen short we have walked in transparency and helped each other get back on track.
There has been sweet testimonies from their time spent away from media. Ava,”I have never slept so good for as long as I can remember!” Ally, “I’m less anxious!” Brooke, “I’m reading the word more and experiencing the presence of God.” Jayonna, “I hear the voice of the Lord much more clearly.” Renee, “I don’t compare myself to others and belittle myself for not looking like someone else.” Liz, “I am finding more fulfillment from the Lord than social media.”
Romans 1:22-23a “Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images…”
May we not be a people who cheapen and trade the Glory of God for images. Images that distract us from the goodness of God, images that the world says are attractive, images that corrupt our thoughts and that deserves our perception of God. May we interact with the real and glorious God through a pure filter instead of the filter of this world.
This coming weekend we will have our Fall Retreat. Many of my girls are going. Please be praying that they encounter the Lord this weekend, that they fall deeper in love with Him, and that their hearts are ready to receive from the Father. I can’t wait to tell you all about it next month.
Thank you all for your sacrifice in time given in prayer and in finances to send others into unreached places. Thank you for passing on the heart of God to the next generation!
- Alyssa
~ Beautiful friends with big hearts for the Lord~